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ClickN KIDS Beginning Reading & Spelling Programs
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    Kids like using the computer to learn. Our site homeschooling curriculum gives students independence as they progress at their own pace. Parents like that it tracks progress through the curriculum and helps kids advance by teaching with individualized curriculum that assures mastery of the skills and concepts that makes kids succeed. Fun games...exciting excercises...involving interactive lessons to boost a child's success in school.
  Sorted by Grade Level Pre-K Kindergarten First-grade Second-grade Third-grade Fourth-grade Fifth-grade
1   1000 Sites For Teachers: Click Here sitesforteachers.com
2   Addition One Digit Numbers by 1 through 5 [Top /24402
3   Subtraction One Digit Numbers by 1 through 5 [Top /15747
4   Addition and Subtraction One Digit by 1 through 5 [Top /15540
5   Addition One Digit Numbers Without Renaming [Top /15282
6   Subtraction One Digit Numbers Without Renaming [Top /14089
7   Addition and Subtraction One Digit Numbers Without Renaming [Top /17241
8   Equations by 1 through 10 [Top /14745
9   Add 1-Digit Numbers and 2-Digit Numbers Without Renaming * [Top /18072
10   Subtract 1-Digit Numbers from 2-Digit Numbers Without Renaming * [Top /14198
11   Equations:The Sum is 10 [Top /13682
12   Addition One Digit Numbers With Renaming * [Top /13968
13   Subtract 1-Digit Numbers from 2-Digit Numbers With Renaming * [Top /13493
14   Addition by 1 through 20 * [Top /14087
15   Subtraction by 1 through 20 * [Top /12935
16   Addition and Subtraction by 1 through 20 [Top /15560
17   Equations by 1 through 20 [Top /13491
18   Add Tens and 1-Digit Numbers * [Top /12832
19   Addition and Subtraction by 1 through 20 Without Renaming [Top /13552
20   Subtract 1-Digit Numbers from Tens * [Top /12551
21   Adding Tens I * [Top /14654
22   Subtracting Tens I * [Top /14445
23   Add 2-Digit Numbers and 1-Digit Numbers [Top /16303
24   Add 2-Digit Numbers and Tens [Top /13509
25   Subtract 1-Digit Numbers from 2-Digit Numbers [Top /13073
26   Subtract Tens from 2-Digit Numbers [Top /13318
27   Addition and Subtraction Without 2-Digit Numbers [Top /14650
28   Equations by 1 through 100 [Top /13700
29   Addition 3 Numbers Combination [Top /13501
30   Subtraction 3 Numbers Combination I [Top /12588
31   Addition Or Subtraction 3 Numbers Combination [Top /12933
32   Addition and Subtraction 3 Numbers Combination I [Top /13510
33   Addition Three One-Digit Numbers [Top /12751
34   Subtraction 3 Numbers Combination II [Top /13081
35   Addition and Subtraction [Top /13449
36   Addition and Subtraction 3 Numbers Combination II [Top /15330
38   Telling Time [Top /33785
39    More Worksheets...
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